Raw WHOIS Record

[ JPNIC database provides information regarding IP address and ASN. Its use   ]
[ is restricted to network administration purposes. For further information,  ]
[ use 'whois -h whois.nic.ad.jp help'. To only display English output,        ]
[ add '/e' at the end of command, e.g. 'whois -h whois.nic.ad.jp xxx/e'.      ]
No match!!
Reference: WHOIS servers of RIRs
APNIC WHOIS(whois.apnic.net)
ARIN WHOIS(whois.arin.net)
RIPE WHOIS(whois.ripe.net)
LACNIC WHOIS(whois.lacnic.net)
AfriNIC WHOIS(whois.afrinic.net)